PLEASE NOTE: We sell tickets in the bar only for people joining for the happy hour

1) Prepaid & SUBSCRIPTIONS= €3,80: arrive when you like and get the best seats! refundable!

You may buy a SUBSCRIPTION (5 to 10 tickets prepaid and then use it, booking the desired movies)
There are transferable and non-transferable subscription. PAY:

  1. via bank transfer, minimum 1 day before (zero fees)
  2. at some AperoNet event (zero fees)
  3. via paypal (€3,94 each tkt + 0,35€ handling fee)
    Specify name, movie (or subscription type)

2) Postpaid  help us planning! - only 6 tkts available - €4 book it & collect it before 7.30!!  

3) Buy at the bar - better arrive early.. only 18 tkts available

  • till 7.15 (45' before the movie) €4 - best seats!
  • after 7.15:

1 ticket = €4,50
3-entries card = €13
card = €16
card = €19 (€3,80/ticket also for cards with more entries)

All subject to availability:

IMPORTANT: After you get the card, you have to go to the cinema and get your tickets, probly not the best seats if you arrive late.

Cards can be used until next September.

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